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Outdoor School

Team-building, social growth, rapport-building and lots of fun happens at outdoor school!

classes include: Archery, life as a tree, owl pellets, Bohemia Gold Mining, challenge course team-building, stream table habitat, Animal Adaptations, geocaching and more…

Grove Camp Outdoor School is committed to equipping Oregon students with social skills, knowledge in teamwork and the importance of community. Our goal is that all Oregon children get to experience hands on, nature based outdoor school; where they learn about trades such as forestry, land management and resource management through practicing professionals.Funds are available for 5th & 6th grade Students through the Oregon Measure 99, to cover outdoor school Costs!

funding is available for outdoor school!!

Grove Camp Outdoor School offers a diverse site for outdoor school, while providing programming, and facilitation if upon request! We are making outdoor school a life-changing memorable experience for all learners, while freeing up teachers from the planning and the organization that outdoor school requires.

Grove Camp outdoor school curriculum is standardized and ready to go!

We currently have 2 options available for outdoor school programming. If none of these fit your needs we would still love to talk and see how we can meet your needs:

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Tier 1: Grove Camp Outdoor School

Grove Camp Outdoor School is fully provided by Grove Christian Camp. Grove Camp provides the teachers, some extra staff, presentations, snacks, food service (including food accommodations) and all supplies. As a school you just sign up for tier 1 and we plan your outdoor school for you.

Tier 2: Grove Camp Outdoor School Site.
Grove Camp provides the space and you provide everything else. Grove Camp Outdoor School Tier 2 includes: School district provides curriculum and classes at Grove Camp site with food & cleaning service provided by the camp.

Contact Grove Camp Outdoor School for pricing!!

541-946-1662 or email to grovecamp@grovechristiancamp.org